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Such simple words to say, for sure. Yet, putting those words into action is quite another thing.
Human Inspiration Works, LLC takes a different approach to helping organizations become more welcoming and open.
We make "inclusion" an action word™. Learn more >>>

“Inspiration” is part of our name for a reason—true inclusivity springs from those who are inspired to face and act against the hard-wiring of unconscious bias that we all carry.
Human Inspiration Works, LLC's (HIW) architect in chief is a transgender woman, Ellen “Ellie” Krug, who lived five decades as male before transitioning to female. She has a deep understanding of the hard-wiring of unconscious bias. Through that understanding, Ellie is inspired to share her experience with others.
Learn more about Ellie and how inspiration forms the basis of everything we do.

“Works” perfectly describes our varied menu of quality services.
We offer thought-provoking “inclusionist” trainings, innovative toolkits (Gray Area Thinking™), imaginative copy for brochures, websites and social media, marketing plans to attract top diverse talent, coaching/mentoring, and even contract on-site recruiting.
What better way to convey that your organization is inclusive than to enlist a transgender interviewer?
- The latest edition of our e-newsletter is available. Check out The Ripple today!
- 9/29/16 “Transgender 101,” Cheshire Public Library, Cheshire CT
- 10/7/16 “Gray Area Thinking: Understanding Diverse Humans and Welcoming Transgender Attorneys, Co-workers and Clients,” Fall Regional Conference, Association of Legal Administrators, Phoenix
- 10/13/16 “Gray Area Thinking: Interacting with Diverse Humans,” State of Iowa Judges Annual Conference, Altoona, IA